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Mon 29
Mon 29
01:00 PM UTC

Writing: Processes (Academic IELTS)

Learn about process diagrams in Writing Task 1
Tue 30
Tue 30
08:00 AM UTC

Speaking: Part 3 Speaking

Learn about Speaking Part 3
02:00 PM UTC

Writing: (Dis)advantages and discussion essays

Learn about essays that examine two sides in Writing Task 2
03:00 PM UTC

Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Science and Technology (Advanced)

Learn vocabulary on science and technology.
Wed 31
Wed 31
08:00 AM UTC

Writing: Letters - invitations and thanks (General Training IELTS)

Learn how to write letters of invitation and thanks
03:00 PM UTC

Writing: Marking criteria (Academic IELTS)

Learn about the Marking Criteria in Writing Task 1
Thu 01
Thu 01
08:30 AM UTC

Reading: Understanding distractors (Academic IELTS)

Learn about recognising and avoiding distractors when reading
04:00 PM UTC

Listening: Part 4 Listening

Learn about Listening Part 4 and completing notes
05:00 PM UTC

Grammar: Grammar: Second Conditional (Intermediate)

Learn to use second conditional sentence structures.
Fri 02
Fri 02
08:30 AM UTC

Writing: Problems and solutions essays

Learn about problem and solution essays in Writing Task 2
02:30 PM UTC

Writing: Opinion and direct question essays

Learn about giving your position in essays in Writing Task 2
03:30 PM UTC

Grammar: Grammar: Structures with 'Wish' (Advanced)

Learn to use 'wish' and 'if only'.